Although the WELCA is not currently meeting regularly at Lord of Life, stay informed about WELCA beyond LOL by reading The Ripple, the SCWELCA online newsletter. Go to scwelca.com to read it and sign up if you are not already on their email or snail mail list.  Visit womenoftheelca.org for news and information from the ELCA.

Women of the ELCA spread God’s Word and Love In the following Ways:

Growing In Faith, Reaching Out with Love, Aiding the Congregation, Caring for the Community and World, Encouraging Each Other

Purpose Statement

As a community of Women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to:

  • grow in faith,
  • affirm our gifts,
  • support one another in our callings,
  • engage in ministry and action,
  • and promote healing and wholeness in the Church, the society and

the world.